Please Remember


You’ve come along way baby

Perhaps you’ll go further, maybe

It’s taken us a lifetime to get here

But Please! Listen to me my dear

Don’t forget where you’ve come from

Remember, your darling sweet mum

The advice she always gave you

How she told you what to do

When things go wrong

In your heart there’s still that song

Keep on keeping on

And you’ll never be alone

There is an answer when you pray

After the Rain

-A group poem by the patrons of the Roy B. Culler, Jr. Senior Center on February 6, 2014.

When the sun comes out I’m as happy as can be,

I’m happy to see the sun and feel the warmth.

After the rain, I smell the flowers and the breeze coming,

After the rain.

After the rain, its warm and cuddly and maybe I can see a butterfly.

The joy to see the earth refreshed after the rain.

I feel good after the rain.

I smell very sweet smells after the rain.

After the rain, I’m glad it quit so now I can go play.

After the rain, the birds are whistling.

If the rain could talk it would say I made the world glisten.

I like to watch the rain drip off the leaves.

If you walk under a tree it drips on your head.



Please Remember

You’ve come along way baby

Perhaps you’ll do further, maybe

It’s taken us a lifetime to get here

But Please! Listen to me my dear

Don’t forget where you’ve come from

Remember, your darling sweet mum

The advice she always gave you

How she told you what to do

When things go wrong

In your heart there’s still that song

Keep on keeping on

And you’ll never be alone

There is an answer when you pray

For each and everyday.

– Participants of the Culler Senior Centers